Jason is a respected accredited SMSF Specialist Advisor™ with over 20 years experience in superannuation, accounting and financial services. Jason enjoys specialising in SMSFs, where he is an invaluable resource for his clients, providing specific, well-considered advice on all aspects of their SMSF to build and protect their retirement savings. Jason applies a solution oriented approach using his extensive knowledge and experience.
Jason has attained the highest qualifications recognised by the superannuation industry as an accredited SMSF Specialist Advisor™ with the SMSF Association. He is a Finalist for the Qld SMSF Adviser of the Year Awards and also the recipient of two national awards for his achievements when completing his Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Superannuation) as accredited by Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia. We also regularly participate in state and national seminars and conferences covering superannuation, financial planning, accounting, property and legal fields.
Expertise Summary
- SMSF strategic advice
- SMSF investments
- Integrating SMSFs into growing businesses
- Super contributions and benefit payments
- Estate planning
- Retirement planning
- SMSF administration and compliance
Qualifications & memberships
- SMSF Specialist Advisor™, SMSF Association (SMSFA)
- Registered Tax Agent
- Masters of Business (Professional Accounting) / Masters of Business (Applied Finance), QUT
- Advanced Diploma in Financial Services (Superannuation), Macquarie University
- Diploma in Financial Services (Financial Planning), Kaplan
- Associate, Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA)
- Member, Self-Managed Independent Superannuation Funds Association (SISFA)
Jason is also a fully licenced Financial Planner and is an Authorised Representative of Australian Unity Personal Financial Services AFSL 234459 and can provide financial advice through
Flow Financial Planning.
We are 100% Australian owned and independent
- We are not owned by, or controlled by any financial institution or dealer group.
- We do not require to you to use any particular bank or investment product or platform, nor do we restrict the type of investments you can have; after all SMSFs are about you taking control of your retirement.
We do not outsource. All our work is performed in Australia
- We do not outsource to overseas countries, in fact we are the preferred SMSF administrators for several accounting firms.
Our fees are transparent and simple to understand
- Our SMSF administration fee starts at $140 per month (inc GST) for our SMSF Online Access service which provides you with access to your SMSF's information 24 hours a day.
- We also offer a SMSF Annual Service for those clients not wanting regular updates and monitoring - all for a standard flat fee. Please see the pricing page for further details.
We can provide strategic^ and technical advice
- We are not just another SMSF administration firm. We are here to help and most simple technical questions can be answered in a short phone call or email – and it’s free!
- Where more detailed technical advice is required for compliance purposes, we can assist with providing written advice and submissions and even deal with the auditors and the Australian Taxation Office on your behalf.
- We can also provide a range of multi-layered SMSF strategies^ that are tailored to your needs or even highlight opportunities you may not have considered.
- Detailed technical and/or compliance advice is billed separately after a no obligation written quote is provided to you up front.
We are Self-Managed Super Fund Specialists!
We are passionate about SMSFs and all things super, and we have the experience, knowledge and qualifications in SMSFs to give you peace of mind that you are dealing with experts in our chosen field. We are continuously seeking out new strategies to enable you to maximise your retirement wealth. We also have first-hand experience in developing and implementing SMSF specific processes and systems that delivers a high quality service in an efficient manner that offers value for money.
Brisbane based, Australia wide
We use some of the latest technology to enable us to provide you with the quality service you deserve, no matter where you are. This is particular important to our clients that regularly travel for work or pleasure across Australia. We also have a secure client SMSF portal that gives you access to your SMSF information anytime, anywhere.
^ Jason McLaren is an Authorised Representative of Australian Unity Personal Financial Services AFSL 234459 and can provide financial advice through Flow Financial Planning.